Primary Angioplasty For Acute Myocardial Infarction
- Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is the necrosis of the heart muscles
resulting from acute obstruction of a coronary artery.
“Time is Muscle” in AMI . - Primary angioplasty is a minimally invasive procedure that uses treats the
obstructed areas of the coronary arteries causing a myocardial infarction - Considering long travel distances and lack of cath lab in many districts –
“Lyse now and stent soon” is the apt strategy for managing AMI.
Approach for managing AMI:
Benefits of Primary angioplasty:
- Class I therapy for AMI
- Preserves heart muscles
- Immediate restoration of blood flow
- Fast recovery
- Saves lives, immediate and long-term benefits
Procedure of primary angioplasty:
- A balloon catheter is inserted into the main artery in the groin or arm
- The catheter is passed gently into the aorta
- The balloon is inflated at the narrowed area(s) of the artery, thereby opening and widening it.
- A stent may also be placed to keep the artery open