Thrombectomy surgery in Hyderabad, India | Dr. C Raghu
First – Ever Pulmonary Thrombectomy using INARI system
Had the opportunity to use Inari Triever 24 catheter for the first time in India.
20yr Male presented with acute on chronic PE(probably CTEPH, with systolic PA pressure of 56) with concomitant bilateral DVT. Thrombus noted in left PA extending into the distal Interlobar segment and right interlobar/ inferior lobar segments.
Due to heavy thrombus burden, Triever 24 Catheter(INARI) was introduced through Intri 24 sheath(INARI). Surprised to get a chunk of chronic clots from left PA due to suction power of Triever 24.
Bloodloss was only 30 mL as we could return blood back to the patient using the FlowSaver(INARI) device.
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